Nonprofit Needs Assessment

The Forbes Funds advances the well-being of our region by helping human service and community-based nonprofits build their management capacity and increase the impact of their mission work. To inform the work that we do, we are asking you to complete this Nonprofit Needs Assessment.

This information will be kept confidential and will only be shared with your organization and our staff. We appreciate your honesty.

With an accurate portrait of capacity, The Forbes Funds can develop a baseline for your organization, identify systemic trends across organizations, and better connect you to resources through our programs and/or our partners.

The survey should take you approximately 30 minutes to complete. You will be answering general questions about your organization, in addition to rating your organization on a variety of capacity elements. The capacity elements are clustered into four dimensions or sections: Leadership, Adaptive, Management and Operational.

It is preferred that only the Executive Director (ED) or Chief Executive Officer complete this survey. However, the ED or CEO may consult with the Board President or other pertinent staff and/or constituents to select ratings that best represent the organization. If you have any question or concerns regarding the assessment, please contact Olivia Benson or Hannah Karolak.

The Forbes Funds’ Management Assistance Grants funds shared strategy, joint finance, and organizational realignment. Only Allegheny County-based 501 (c)(3) organizations qualify.

Following the assessment, areas of support might include the following.


Financial strategy to support operational needs and sustainable growth


Ideas for growing the mission and capitalizing on program opportunities


Enhanced strategic and generative performance of the board


Models for generating more impactful employee performance


An objective and experienced sounding board with whom you can share your leadership challenges and dreams

You can preview/work through the assessment using the PDF version then record your responses online.