The Forbes Funds, INFLUENCE|SG and the Benter Foundation continue partnership into 2021, providing high quality fundraising capacity training for nonprofit leaders.

by | April 7, 2021 | News | 0 comments

In partnership with The Benter Foundation and Derrick Feldmann, of Influence SG, The Forbes Funds is excited to launch a new development & fundraising course, “Nonprofit Essentials: Scenario Planning for Development and Fundraising.”  

Nonprofit Essentials is a 12-week course, designed for new, small-budget, and/or small-staffed nonprofits. This course builds capacity fundamentals in four core strategic areas: Development, financial sustainability, communications, and board development.

Each section includes three weeks of virtual group learning and one week of technical assistance coaching. Nonprofit Essentials is taught by industry leaders and local nonprofit champions, and course materials are designed to be easily implemented within organizations. In addition to course materials and sessions, all students also have access to individual executive coaching sessions. Students will receive The Forbes Funds’ 2021 digital badge in Fundraising & Development Scenario Planning upon completion of the program. 

“With the support of The Benter Foundation and based on feedback from nonprofits, The Forbes Funds is offering Nonprofit Essentials to enhance nonprofit capacity and provide nonprofits with the tools, mentors, and coaching support needed to successfully navigate this new reality, and plan for their futures.” said Fred Brown, President and CEO of The Forbes Funds. “For the past 57 weeks, The Forbes Funds has facilitated 1,873 zoom meetings with 19,254 participants. The Forbes Funds has worked to help the nonprofit sector pivot as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and this new course is truly sector-driven and a critical step in those efforts.” 

Nonprofit Essentials is a newly developed onboarding course for The Forbes Funds’ Academy for Cause and Community Engagement Leadership (ACCEL) program. With the support of The Benter Foundation, The Forbes Funds and INFLUENCE|SG have offered ACCEL for a number of years, each year adapting the course to meet emerging needs of the nonprofit sector. ACCEL specifically designed to teach nonprofit professionals the principles of fundraising, marketing, and movement building, and is a foundational development course amongst Western PA nonprofits. In 2020, ACCEL graduated 85 individuals across 63 organizations.  

New this year, students will receive The Forbes Funds’ 2021 digital badge in Fundraising & Development Scenario Planning upon completion of the program. Digital badging is a key component of The Forbes Funds University. 


All interested in the 2021 ACCEL program can contact Dr. Hannah Karolak, Director of Learning & Education program, or Maria Paula Quintero, Program Capacity Associate here.


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