The International Anti-Racism Wireframe Cohort (ARC) Launch

by | January 8, 2021 | News, Past Events | 2 comments

Without exception, racial equity is a priority at The Forbes Funds. Our Anti-Racism Cohort (ARC) Framework considers an institutional and community-level opportunity to be part of the solution: a society that is equitable from the individual up to the systems level. On January 8, 2021, we launched our information session with a brain trust of 158 leaders. Learn more about ARC here.

  1. Ali Jaffar

    Thanks, Kellie for such a great launch event, as well as the followup information session today (Feb 5)! Looking forward to getting enrolled before the Feb 17th deadline and joining the 60 other future-minded equity champions for the inaugural cohort.

  2. This cohort is bound to do some powerful things. Congrats to The Forbes Funds on this launch!

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