Quality Education

key policy area


In alignment with our partners who work in education, we recognize the fundamental impact that the education system has on learners. Education directly intersects with social determinants of health and is one of the most powerful pathways to overcoming poverty, fundamentally altering a person’s life opportunities as a result.


Where a Pennsylvanian family lives ultimately impacts the options that they have, and subsequently, their access to quality, culturally-appropriate curriculum, a safe teaching and learning environment, reduced threats of suspension and policing, and the amount of funding available.

The inequities that exist in the education system only serve to be exacerbated by the pandemic. With many students relying on public transportation to get to in-person classes, loss of that access could significantly impact their ability to get to class and learn. Moreover, gaps in access to adequate digital resources for learning may increase these disparities. The bottom line is there are high stakes surrounding the education system and its performance that can have a lasting impact for generations to come.


Quality and access to education is a key component of community health.

GPNP amplifies the work of education advocates and partners in southwestern PA supporting our most resilient student populations to promote high-quality education for all. Promote person-centered approaches that are culturally informed and adequately reflect the needs and desires expressed by the community.

Policy Position & Action

Position Overview

We support the work of our partners that aims to level the playing field when it comes to access to quality education, culturally-appropriate learning, safety and respect in schools, and more.

Take Action

Get involved with the Equitable and Just Platform Pittsburgh. EJPP aims to do important values-based work related to equity and justice. The platform centers on the voices and experiences of those needing better resources. Education is a key topic area the platform focuses on, and they regularly host events and send newsletters related to their work. You can also use the Change Our State website to identify your elected officials.

Fred Brown and GPNP collegues

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